
I will work to drive balanced growth to benefit all of North Branch residents.

Residential – Continue to support balanced growth in all areas of housing. This includes affordable housing to enable all people the opportunity of proper housing whether it is in home ownership or in the rental market.

Commercial – Supporting this growth in residential with places to spend our time and money locally. This will include supporting new options and expansion/growth with our current business partners in the area! This will also expand employment opportunities locally.

Industrial – I will focus on filling up our industrial park further adding employment options to our local residents. Expanding North Branch beyond just a bedroom community. This will help our tax base and finally get a better return on this 20 year investment.


Striving towards a city that works to communicate often and in the formats in which the citizens regularly use.

This means expansion of communication methods and more frequent posts and updates based on relevant information. This may include revamping/updating the city website as well as linking to other media platforms. More to come on this one as I get into the office!

Cleaning up some issues in our past. Being forthcoming with all residents and recognizing that not everything in our past is perfect but addressing in when we find things that were not done properly. I to will make mistakes but when I do I will work to rectify them as quickly as possible.

Community First

Personal battles and quarrels inside local politics will not be tolerated. We need to get beyond all of these issues in our current city leadership and not recreate the problems of prior city leadership.

Along with my transparency goals I would also work to reach out to the silent majority – Those that just want to live and not deal with the drama in politics. While also having confidence in the utilization of all of our tax dollars. Times are difficult and we need to work together to keep striving forward. We need to do this as a community together!